Photo Credit: Smart Growth America
Once upon a time, there was a wonderful small city that loved manufacturing. And manufacturing loved that city.
Manufacturing created good paying jobs, brought people to invest in the city, and brought pride to the community.
But then the manufacturing went away.
Or so the city thought.
But in reality, individuals and small groups were coming together to rebuild an economy based on making things. An economy based on producing things.
But no one really knew they were there and they just kept their heads down and worked. They worked hard. Even as the city lost jobs, buildings emptied out, and incomes slipped away.
Then one day, the city leaders decided to look into these rumors they heard of people creating new businesses and jobs in their community. People who made stuff. Who hired locally. Who invested in spaces in the community. And who were ready to grow.
Well, this isn’t a fairytale. It’s actually the story of South Bend, IN.
In February 2021, South Bend launched Scaling Up! South Bend to provide business development training to small product businesses ready to scale and subsidized space for program graduates in a cowork manufacturing building.
And I couldn't be prouder.
We helped the city build this new program based on lessons learned from the best entrepreneurship programs and local initiatives that drive reinvestment in a place by bringing new businesses into bricks and mortar space.
But mostly we helped the city build this program because it’s what fits the needs of the small-scale manufacturing businesses in their community. The outcome is based on what we learned in the Recast City 5-step method and helps the city leaders achieve their goals.
South Bend is committing the time, energy, and resources to build a diverse community of small-scale manufacturers and invest in people and a key part of the city.
They recognize that small-scale manufacturing businesses are both part of their history and part of their future.
The city sees that these businesses can create more opportunity for Black and brown residents to build wealth for their families.
They understand that these businesses help to rebuild the fabric of a neighborhood and bring people together.
This initiative brings people together to believe in the place and in the businesses.
In our work together since 2019, the city focused on how to integrate small-scale manufacturing into community and economic development strategies. Now, they’ve launched a national standard to build this pipeline of businesses into a scaling economic sector and to create affordable space for these businesses in an area steeped in manufacturing history.
This is an exciting time.
And yet, across the country, it is a truly hard time too.
There is so much to do and there are so many things we can do.
We can’t wait for recovery to happen. We need to rebuild stronger and for more people. And we can do it.
Let’s cheer on every community and see them win - see them bring resources to diverse small-scale manufacturing businesses, create space for these businesses to grow, and make great places for everyone.
Are you ready to make it happen in your community?
Your answers may look completely different from South Bend’s. That is what we figure out in the Recast Leaders cohort – how to find the people, get the answers, and launch the initiatives all in 12 months.
Are you a Recast Leader?
The right leaders are ready to learn and ready to act.
The right leaders are committed to making a stronger local economy that includes more people.
The right leaders are ready to invest in downtown or a neighborhood main street to make more great places for more people.
Are you ready?